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Behavior Consultations

Our vet team can provide advice and expertise on problems such as nipping, housebreaking, excessive barking, chewing, digging, separation anxiety, crate training, feline housesoiling problems and more.


On many occasions we need to rule out medical issues being caused by the unwanted behavior. An in-depth examination by our veterinarians is included as part of your pet’s behavioral consultation.

Best Friends

Our veterinarians are highly trained in common behavioral issues, including:​

  • Inappropriate eliminations

  • Inappropriate feline scratching

  • Destructive behavior

  • Separation anxiety

  • Anxiety associated with thunderstorms, fireworks and other loud noises

  • Reactivity/aggression

Behavior problems take patience, time and dedication by all parties to help improve and ultimately solve. Consistent communication, education and understanding the key factors on the causes of these issues ensure a successful path to creating a happy home with all of your family pets.


Contact our team and schedule an appointment today to learn more about your pets behavioral issues and solutions available to them by contacting us here.

Call For An Appointment:

Perkiomenville 610.287.5100   Souderton 215.660.3699

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Perkiomenville Location

1335 N. Gravel Pike

Perkiomenville, PA 18074

Telephone:  610-287-5100

Souderton Location

201 North Main Street

Souderton, PA 18964

Telephone:  215-660-3699

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Opening Hours:

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Mondays & Fridays
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM - Tuesdays & Thursdays

8:00 AM - 7:00 PM - Wednesdays


This informationis for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as medical advice for any pet, animal or person. Contact the staff of for a professional appointment with individual and personalized information regarding your unique situation. 

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